[TYPO3-ect] 1000 and 1 extension

Feodor Rykhtik feodor.rykhtik at gmail.com
Wed Jan 14 15:43:08 CET 2009

Hi Jonas,

It's true that sometimes there is some many extension when we are make
basic request querry, in the same time sometimes even not-documented
extensions could help in development. I propose to hide them from
default search, but to have possibility to find all the extensions
through Advanced search. In this case when an extension is publishied
- it's not visible through Basic search, but after the validation of
TER Manager, extension could be directly visible.


> Most people agree with me, that there are to many Extensions in TER
> which are not maintained and are not ment for wide use in the community.
> ...
> I would like to use the TER for our extensions to update them on the
> projects we use them, but I would like to hide them.
> Best regards
> Jonas

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