[TYPO3-ect] 1000 and 1 extension

Jonas Dübi admin at commandline.ch
Wed Jan 14 08:37:05 CET 2009

Hi everybody

Most people agree with me, that there are to many Extensions in TER 
which are not maintained and are not ment for wide use in the community.

Extensions which are often just for one project useful.

I am really carefully with publishing extensions, just because I don't 
want to publish extensions which are not community ready. An extension 
without nice documentation, or without flexible enough documentation is 
not usefully to the masses...

I would like to use the TER for our extensions to update them on the 
projects we use them, but I would like to hide them.

Another question would be if there is kind of a private function in TER, 
it does not have to be secured, but just not shown by default. Or if 
there is a possibility to make a own TER?

Is the TER backend source available to built up a TER Proxy?

Best regards

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