[TYPO3-ect] tx_party - Extension

Franz Holzinger franz at fholzinger.com
Thu May 1 09:58:39 CEST 2008

Jeff Segars a écrit :

> If we can get IRRE or group
> boxes as part of the account field, do you think that will work for
> storing frontend users?

Hello Jeff,

the frontend users will still be stored in the fe_users table. So they
can still be stored as it is now. But a lot of fields shall remain
unused in the future. The TCA of fe_users must be changed if tx_party is
installed. This should be included into the extension. Then other
extensions like sr_feuser_register can be adapted to use the modified
TCA for fe_users and also the tx_party tables for frontend registration
instead of the address info fields of the fe_users table.

- Franz

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