[TYPO3-ect] tx_party - Extension

Christoph Koehler christoph.koehler at gmail.com
Wed Mar 5 21:22:06 CET 2008


In article
<mailman.1.1204747236.19514.typo3-team-extension-coordination at lists.net
fielders.de> "Dr. Ronald P. Steiner" <Ronald.Steiner at googlemail.com>
>  Hi Christoph,

>  nice to hear, that the project is still alive. I already know some
> Web-Empowered Church extensions and they all seem really good. So the
> project looks quite in good hands.

Thanks for the compliment!
>  Is there any new project page?

There is <http://svn.webempoweredchurch.org/wec_people> which is just
the code. There is no separate project page.
>  Are there already extensions that use wec_people?

No, but there is a simple one in planning. wec_map indirectly uses
wec_people; more specifically, wec_people uses wec_map to map address
already. That stuff with some other smaller bugfixes is in SVN.
>  How many people are currently programming on wec_people? 
Mainly just me. We have help offers from other people and some other
team members that will help out once it's needed.
>  What is the  current status? 

Mostly still planning and strategy. It's a big project, so you can
kinda get lost in it. We are going to make an extension that will use
it and judge from that what all needs to be done. Our main goal will
be a Church Management System built on top of it and we're still
looking at all the options out there.
>  Is there a plan when it will be released?

Nope. Feel free to play with the code though. It's pretty complete as
far as records in the BE go.
>  A good "party" extension is a really important thing for so many
>  purposes.

Yep, we agree.


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