[TYPO3-ect] ECT - teamleaders

Benjamin Mack benni at typo3.org
Thu Jun 26 12:53:06 CEST 2008

Hey all,

I'm not 100% in the ECT and what's going on there, but for me it seems 
like the ECT, mainly div/lib, missed its goal. I thought it should also 
be a starting point for migrating to 5.x, but there seems no 
communication between the teams. Also, I would love to have the ECT team 
work closer with the 4.x core team, so we can maybe integrate some cool 
Then, there are IMHO some crazy ideas like "div2007" that I think are 
just plainly wrong, as it is another dependency and some more extra you 
have to juggle around with versions, incompatibilities and the 
extensions (hard enough with TYPO3 4.1 and 4.2 already after updating). 
Developing extensions make it even harder then. "This extension only 
runs with TYPO3 4.0 and div2007 and lib2008" ;-)

Why not finish div/lib and that's it then? It's been long enough in 
alpha/beta state now.

However, "cal" from the ECT is great, but as you see, it also defined 
its own MVC framework again --- why reinvent the wheel again and again 
and not collaborate? (no offense to the cal guys, I just think 
communication is important).

Again, no offense guys, but the ECT should not just coordinate 
extensions but also the development of the core teams with the 
extensions, instead of defining its own core (div/lib). Maybe one guy 
could be in 4.x, 5.x and the ECT to coordinate?

So, that's just my 2 cents -- sorry for being so direct. Now you can 
hold forth of me :)


Daniel Bruessler wrote:
> Hello,
> in my view a moderator is needed, maybe that's the best word for it. ECT 
> has started as an OVERVIEW of current ongoings - and a mailinglist (I 
> mean technically) cannot do this. lib/div was ONE project of ECT, one of 
> several ones. For me forge is not "SVN with a bugtracker", out of my 
> view it's a team-platform.
> fabien:
> * "It would be worth to redefine the goals of the ECT."
> * http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/ECT/Homepage
> * Which projects are still alive?
> * I would suggest to help Jochen's effort with extension-gimmefive
> * forge-project for ECT? And what project are you thinking about?
> steffen:
> * the goal of ECT was to have a platform, where teams are build to develop
> extensions instead of 10 extensions doing all the same
> * communication channel
> * ECT can live without a declared leader, it should be ruled by the
> devs here
> Cheers!
> Daniel
>> Hi,
>> the goal of ECT was to have a platform, where teams are build to 
>> develop extensions instead of 10 extensions doing all the same.
>> I don't see ECT as a project for forge, it's more a communication 
>> channel.
>> In the past ECT was more a support forum for lib/div, what wasn't the 
>> purpose of ECT.
>> So imho ECT can live without a declared leader, it should be ruled by 
>> the devs here.
>> vg Steffen

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