[TYPO3-ect] future development of lib/div

Christof Damian damian at opus5.info
Fri Jul 18 09:42:08 CEST 2008

2008/7/2 Franz Holzinger <franz at fholzinger.com>:
> What is the common opinion of the extension developers?
> 1) The div/lib should still be developed in the ECT. It will be
> refactored as much as needed and considered usefull.
> 2) The div/lib should be moved now into TYPO3 Core and only Core
> developers will make decisions on it.
> 3) A completely new MVC framework shall be developed instead of lib/div.
> 4) Another MVC framework extension shall be taken und developed instead
> of lib/div. All current code of lib/div will be put there.

1 or 2 for me. We are using lib/div in a few projects and I think it
makes extension development a lot easier and maintainable. I also like
that it is a very small extension, which I can easily fix and extend

I am pretty happy with the features it has at the moment, it just
needs a bit more love to reach a 1.0 version. I would like better
support for back end modules and more support for testing. And maybe
ORM support for the models (though I probably can get that to work now
already). The main problem is the missing documentation, examples,
lack of kickstarter support and small community.

Regarding 4+5: I have projects which use lib/div, so I don't really
have the choice of switching. I also wonder why this should be better
then lib/div or faster reaching a stable version. You would also have
the same problems as lib/div which I mentioned above.

Just my 2c
Christof Damian

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