[TYPO3-ect] Found an error with kickstarter__mvc (was Re: Trouble with Kickstarter__mvc: default action)

Christian Welzel gawain at camlann.de
Tue Feb 26 10:07:49 CET 2008

Braulio José Solano Rojas schrieb:

> I have noticed other errors, if the creator of kickstarter__mvc is still
> maintaining it, I could feedback him/her.

Please use bugs.typo3.org and select the subproject tx_kickstartermvc to
submit your bugreports. Currently i have no time to fix them, but at least
there are not lost...

MfG, Christian Welzel

   GPG-Key:     http://www.camlann.de/key.asc
   Fingerprint: 4F50 19BF 3346 36A6 CFA9 DBDC C268 6D24 70A1 AD15

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