[TYPO3-ect] FLOW3

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Fri Feb 8 19:07:06 CET 2008

Hi again,
>> has anyone started studying the FLOW3 framework?
>> could it be something intresting to help develop? how does it differ 
>> from lib/div?
>> i wanted to start using lib/div, but at last i didn't because i 
>> couldn't find simple documentation and it seemed very "alpha"
>> right now this cahrt:
>> http://flow3.typo3.org/about/comparison/
>> does really fill with happiness typo3's future!
> As far as I see this, flow3 seems to be the "offical" or temporary name 
> for the TYPO3 5.0 framework. At least the features described on the 
> website seem to be identically with v5 features. So I think it's not an 
> alternative to lib/div but to TYPO3 4.x in general ;)

sorry, I misunderstood your question :)
But to answer it - nope.

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