[TYPO3-ect] ExtJS, jQuery, JSManager

Joerg Schoppet joerg at schoppet.de
Sun Feb 3 11:25:37 CET 2008

Daniel Bruessler schrieb:
> Hi Steffen,
>> hmm - isn't that an array?
>> 'depends' => array(
>>  'jsmanager' => '1.0.0',
>> ),
> let's say YESNO.
> "depends" must have the index in the result-array before it gets soaped
> to the TER, it's just inside if more than one depends-entry.
>> or is that an existing Bug in EM ?
>> vg  STeffen 
> Yes, it's a bug in the EM, not in the TER-webservice. Elmar found it
> out, some time ago.
> Cheers!
> Daniel
Hi everybody,

perhaps I have tomatos on my eyes or something like that, but I don't
get it to work, that the dependencies of jquery and extjs to jsmanager
are in the TER after upload.

Please help.

The last setting in ext_emconf.php I tried was:

'dependencies' => 'jsmanager,',
'constraints' => array(
	'depends' => array(
		'jsmanager' => '1.0.0',
	'conflicts' => array(
	'suggests' => array(



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