[TYPO3-ect] FE CRUD plugin

Jeff Segars jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Tue Dec 2 19:51:03 CET 2008

Franz Koch wrote:
> Hey Jeff,
>> Also, be sure to check out the EDITPANEL cObject, which will render 
>> the backend editing form for any table.  Fro the new frontend editing 
>> that Franz mentioned, we're still using EDITPANEL and and just putting 
>> a prettier UI on top of it.
> will it be possible to "mount" fe_users/groups to be_groups (or 
> something similar), so that fe_users will also be able to edit certain 
> records? As far as I know the EDITPANEL is currently BEuser only - right?

We'd like to get a solid solution for "frontend users as backend users" 
but it won't directly be a part of the work we're doing for frontend 

I know there are a couple extensions out there already (simulatebe, 
parts of timtaw, etc) so maybe we can use these as a basis for a small, 
community developed extension that does the login. I'm not sure how much 
development I can commit to, but I'm certainly willing to test and 
support any core patches that are needed.


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