[TYPO3-ect] tx_party - Extension

Jeff Segars jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Wed Apr 30 15:46:33 CEST 2008

Franz Holzinger wrote:
> Jeff Segars a écrit :
>> Franz Holzinger wrote:
>>> When I look at the model
>>> http://www.bruehlmeier.com/tx_party/uml/index.htm?goto=3:13
>>> then I am missing a relation between the party and the fe_users table.
>>> This is needed to replace the current address data of the fe_users
>>> table. The mm relation table for this should be integrated into your
>>> extension. One FE user can be owned by one or more parties. Each party
>>> can have one or more FE users.
>> Hey Franz,
>> Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this. I think there are
>> two different things that may be worth looking into here.
>> The data model does have an abstract field for accounts and I suspect
>> this is where we'd store some linkage to a frontend user record. It may
>> turn out that frontend users are important enough in the TYPO3 world
>> that we need to add a unique just for that, but I think accounts are the
>> correct place within the OASIS standard.
>> The Wiki also has a little information about tx_party_sync [1], which
>> would be used do keep common data up to date between a party record and
>> a frontend user record.
>> Any thoughts on these?
> Hello Jeff,
> I think the tx_party_sync should be used only in the starting phase to
> import the user data into fe_users or fetch them from there into the
> party extension. In the end the fe_users should not contain any address
> info any more. 

Completely agree.  Given your other extension work, I'm glad you're on 
board with that ;)

> <snip>

> If you use the Account Id, then this might cause problems with TYPO3.
> How can you use the TCE group boxes or INLINE with this?
> If you use the Account Id for FE users, then think of reusing the party
> addresses for several TYPO3 homepages. You want to export and import
> them. Therefore you must add the website to the FE users account info.
> Otherwise the user will not remember which FE user name (account id)
> belongs to which TYPO3 website.
> Maybe it would be better to have an additional mm relation between
> fe_users and parties to even support IRRE features.

One of the challenges I've seen so far is that the party database 
structure really highlights how closely the TYPO3 backend interface is 
tied to the structure of its database table.

 From a UI perspective, I definitely agree we want group boxes or IRRE 
to link up frontend user accounts. Maybe this can be accomplished within 
the generic account field through some special TCA config.

My only argument against splitting it out into a separate field would be 
adherance to the standard. I'm sure there will be exceptions (and 
frontend users are probably as good a candidate as any), but the closer 
we can keep the internal data model to the standard, the easier import 
and export will be. (Lesson learned from iCal support in Calendar Base)

Thanks for the thoughts! I guess the ball is somewhat in my court to see 
what we can do with the backend interface. If we can get IRRE or group 
boxes as part of the account field, do you think that will work for 
storing frontend users?


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