[TYPO3-ect] lib/div & compatibility

Daniel Bruessler danielb at typo3.org
Mon Apr 28 16:27:58 CEST 2008

Hello philip,

> Don't forget the KickStarter, the
> grow of several div's can make the kickstarter development more
> complicated.

Yes the kickstarter - we need to find a solutions for it.

> This kind of evolution of the API (separated by Year)
> is a new thing that you do not see elsewhere (as I Know).

In my eyes the yearly versioning is _not_ needed. It's very strange to 
have such kind of versioning.

> I am not going to develop
> div2008__extjswidgets (...)

No :-) you write an extension and put "lib02" and "div02"
Imagine that you just set the dependency "lib02" and "div02" and get the 
2nd public release of lib/div (if we decide to do it that way). 02 would 
be the second release for public usage. The next release would be 
"lib03" and "div03".

=> So several versions of lib/div can be in the same TYPO3-installation.

> Philip Almeida 
> Einstein "Make things easy but
> not easier, make  things simple but not simplier" 

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