[TYPO3-ect] lib/div & compatibility

Daniel Bruessler danielb at typo3.org
Mon Apr 28 12:14:46 CEST 2008

Hello Franz,

>> so the only solutions seems to be that we use special extensionkeys for
>> every release of the framework.
> Yes, because the EM does not support 2 versions of an extension to be
> installed at the same time. You cannot use div 0.0.12 and div 1.1.1
> simultaneously.
>> * first release (=SVN branch01): lib 01 + div 01
>> * second release (=SVN branch02): lib 02 + div 02
>> Within a branch _NO change of the API_, just bugfix-updates.
> But additional functions and functionalities shall be allowed during
> Alpha and Beta Phase. During beta phase only features from a defined
> list may be commited.
> Only bugfixes during RC phase.

An additional function _is_ an API-change :-)

Example: If lib02 and div03 are the current extensionkeys and they are 
in use for some extensions any new functions should go into a new branch 
lib03 and div03. Just bugfixes for already existing functions go in 
lib02 and div02.

The alias: We can do it as "package extension". "lib" has the dependency 
"lib02" and _NO code_ , same with "div".

Now ready?

>> Better?
> much better now
> - Franz

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