[TYPO3-ect] tx_party - project management on forge.typo3.org?

David Bruehlmeier typo3 at bruehlmeier.com
Sun Apr 27 19:48:13 CEST 2008

Dr. Ronald P. Steiner schrieb:
>> Christoph, would you be willing to change the name back to tx_party 
> I would vote for tx_people

-1 from me.

This framework is all about handling people _and_ organisations. Just 
calling it *_people is not capturing what it actually does.

I know, finding an "umbrella term" for people and organisations is not 
easy. I am not a native English speaker, so the only ones known to me 
are "party" and maybe "partner". OASIS has decided to use "party", so 
why not just stick to it?

If you do decide to change the name from wec_*, then I strongly suggest 
to take tx_party.


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