[TYPO3-ect] tx_party - project management on forge.typo3.org?

David Toshack david at vaultin.com
Sun Apr 27 06:44:35 CEST 2008

Daniel Bruessler wrote:
> => we need a database for projects, that helps new developers to find a
> good task they can do to contribute in a project. Should be RSS with
> categories so that it's easy to integrate into www.typo3.org - I think
> I'll add that as a feature to the new documentation portal. So that's
> "project-management-documentation"

Too right! I'll forward this on to the TYPO3 Forge team[1].

There are currently only v5 projects at forge.typo3.org but apparently
v4 will soon find its way over there too.

Robert, what do you think about adding the Party extension as a
forge.typo3.org package under TYPO3 v4? ... With a view to moving it
changing it to a FLOW3 package when the time is right.

Christoph, would you be willing to change the name back to tx_party and
move the SVN repository over there if we get the go-ahead? It would be
great to take advantage of all the code and project management features
in such a central location.

In fact, I think a lot of the projects listed on the ECT wiki page[2]
would find it very cosy on forge.typo3.org. Please take a look at the
list of projects and let me know if you'd like to help get the ball
rolling on forgifying them.

I haven't been able to login to forge.typo3.org. When I try from the
login/logout page[3] I get a "414 Request-URI Too Large" error. Who
should I speak to about this? Should I launch a bug on the typo3.org
bugtracker project? I couldn't see a more specific project over there.

>> Obviously, I must have done something wrong, otherwise the project
>> would be in a better state now. My problem was/is that I simply do not
>> have enough time to provide all of that and/or to do a lot of the
>> coding myself to get things started.

Your work as been terrific so far Dave. Nobody can criticise you for
what you've done so far. Now its up to us to keep the ball rolling. I
have a lot of faith in the WEC team and I think you've left the project
in great hands :-)


[1] http://forge.typo3.org/projects/show/teams-forge
[2] http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/Extension_coordination_team

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