[TYPO3-ect] ajaxportal

Daniel Bruessler danielb at typo3.org
Fri Apr 18 15:24:15 CEST 2008

Hello Franz,

oh I think I need to create a hook for that, because I want to keep the 
fallback simple. As fallback I just want to create a simple portal-view, 
not asynchron.

Please don't mix the portal-stuff with the gadget-stuff. That are two 
diferent things. I just talked about the fallback for the portal itself.

For the gadgets we can use a switch for activating the "noscript" - tag, 
but better is when no javascript is rendered in the page. For a mobile 
phone that's better for performance. I don't know yet how xajax does the 

In a gadget you can use iFrames if you like, you can use everything as a 
gadget what TYPO3 can render, and that's very much :-)


> wow - that really sounds great.
> Just an idea - if JS would be disabled (like I have by default) - would 
> iFrames with a eID-Typo3-Url as fallback be possible in a <noscript> 
> tag? If the gadget itself then uses xajax to create links, the output 
> would work in both situations :) But I can't tell how flexible or good 
> xajax is.
> kind regards,
> Franz

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