[TYPO3-ect] tx_categories on typo3xdev (help!)

Johnny Peck johnny at slipcasemedia.com
Wed Oct 31 07:57:54 CET 2007

Mads Brunn wrote:
> Hi list
> this is probably the wrong list but TYPO3xdev does not seem to have it's 
> own mailinglist.
> I have been granted access to the TYPO3xdev project on sourceforge by 
> Andreas Otto and now I'm going to create an svn project for the 
> categories extension. But how? Could anyone help? Sofar I have only 
> tried to checkout from the repository. I'm using Tortoise SVN on Windows.
> Alternatively, could anyone point me to the right mailinglist?
> Thanks in advance!
> ../mads

Aloha Mads,

The ECT is the right place for such a question as we are coordinating 
extension development and TYPO3xdev is our repository.  The following 
link may help and it's short.


I know that from the tigris.org site there are plenty of docs as well. 
Tortoise is certainly easy to use because of its integration with the 
GUI but it really just mirrors the SVN commands into the GUI, so, 
understanding SVN would be the key.  The SVN book from tigris.org is a 
good one to have on hand and read a bit.



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