[TYPO3-ect] CoolUI webbased GUI for PHPUnit

Fabien Udriot fudriot at omic.ch
Tue Oct 30 14:17:38 CET 2007

I meet some problem to install CoolUI (on my Mac, but I dont think it influences something).

step 1 :
svn co https://cool.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cool/PHPUnit/trunk/PHPUnit

step 2 :
insert include_path of PHPUnit in php.ini

step 3 : installation of PEAR PHPUnit

pear install PHPunit
pear list

Archive_Tar          1.1     stable
Console_Getopt       1.2     stable
HTML_Template_IT     1.1     stable
Net_UserAgent_Detect 2.0.1   stable
PEAR                 1.3.6   stable
PHPUnit              1.3.2   stable
XML_RPC              1.4.0   stable

step 4 : run the GUI


Warning: require_once(PHPUnit/Framework/TestListener.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Users/fudriot/Sites/wycliffe.ch/typo3conf/ext/PHPUnit/CoolUI/ResultPrinter.php on line 3
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'PHPUnit/Framework/TestListener.php' (include_path='.:/home/fudriot/Sites/wycliffe.ch/typo3conf/ext:/usr/lib/php') in /Users/fudriot/Sites/wycliffe.ch/typo3conf/ext/PHPUnit/CoolUI/ResultPrinter.php on line 3

I don't see any folder called Framework. Is the PEAR PHPUnit version wrong ?

Regards, FABIEN

Elmar Hinz a écrit :
 > There is a typo:
 >> CoolUI:
 >> /var/www/htdocs/PHPUnit/CoolUI.php
 >> /var/www/htdocs/PHPUnit/CoolUI/... more PHPUnit
 >  /var/www/htdocs/PHPUnit/CoolUI/... more CoolUI
 >> /var/www/htdocs/PHPUnit/CoolUI/GUI/index.php
 > Elmar
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