[TYPO3-ect] Evaluation: Which JS library to recommend?

Fabien Udriot fudriot at omic.ch
Mon Oct 29 09:49:48 CET 2007

Hello all,

Recently, I found this link by John Resig. This is an overview on 
different javascript frameworks :


For me, the choice of a javascript library depends of the needs. In my 
development, I mostly need Ajax - Dom manipulation - and some little 
DHTML effect. JQuery is a good candidate for me : it is a light library, 
extensible with a lot of plugins, the necessary code is short to write. 
Other people call this : "a light foot print"

I would notice one nice features that always use : the possibility to 
"encapsulate" the code in order to avoid conflict with other libraries. 
JQuery can cohabitate with a YUI or a Prototype without trouble in a 
frontend plugin.

kind regards,


Steffen Kamper a écrit :
> "Mads Brunn" <mads at typoconsult.dk> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
> news:mailman.1.1193605408.31019.typo3-team-extension-coordination at lists.netfielders.de...
>> Hi list
>> Elmar Hinz wrote:
>>> If we give a recommandation of a preferred JS library, which one should 
>>> it
>>> be today?
>> Does anyone have a link to a comparison between the different libraries... 
>> Personally I really like jQuery because of the way it's structured... but 
>> I must admit that my experience with other libraries is quite limited...
>> ./mads
> here is a comparison on css selectors speed
> http://extjs.com/blog/2007/07/10/css-selectors-speed-myths/
> vg  Steffen

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