[TYPO3-ect] RFC: bypear to remove

Steffen Kamper steffen at sk-typo3.de
Wed Oct 24 12:15:13 CEST 2007

"Daniel Brüßler" <info at -remove-patchworking.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1193218394.20796.typo3-team-extension-coordination at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hello,
> what's best:
> * ECT/Extensions // easy to remember
> * ECT/CoordinatedExtensions // exakt name but needs also forward from
> ECT/Coordinated_Extensions
> * ...
> kind regards
> Daniel

hi Daniel,

i would prefer easy one:
ECT/Extension list

vg  Steffen

>> The author already consented.
> Yes, he never answered emails.
>>> btw - we really should start a wiki page where all extensions used by 
>>> ECT
>>> are mentioned. They should be divided in sections (lib/examples/...)
>>> with name of Author and a short description.
>> That is a very good idea.
>> Elmar 

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