[TYPO3-ect] Again: Forms library

Elmar Hinz elmar07 at googlemail.com
Tue Oct 23 08:10:26 CEST 2007

ries van Twisk wrote:

> I don't have a solution,
> but the main result that PHP doesn't have a forms library is
> that
> a) it's complicated to handle all, if not most situations
> b) PHP is a scripting language..
> me and gerard made our own which does a good job,
> but is ajax based. I know Elmar doesn't like that.

Ries, the worst are the many people, who mean huge JavaScript libraries and
call them ajax. That's an insult of ajax and real cheat of the customer.
Real ajax runs mainly server side because the server side is the only side
you can control. :-P 

Giants like Google know what they do and they can pay the the necessary
updates of JavaScript stuff for all the upcomming generations of browsers.
But your ordinary customers will curse you for that. 8 years passed, new
terms and people have forgotten all the bitter lessons ...

> Not I think it's good for deployment due to it's complexity.

Apropos complexity.  I expect that the future belongs to systems, where you
write the code once and can deploy it as desktop application, as server
side and as client side (JavaScript) alternatively. And as any combination
of it. Mark. A fallback solution can be given by this approach, if the
client side fails.

HTML links have to be expressed as events for that and the view is defined
in XML, the model in any language. Silverlight, .NET, XUL, Gnome, QT,
everybody is heading in that direction. Completely different starting
points, but a common direction. I wonder who will make the race.

Hope the V5 team sees the importants to express links as events in future.



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