[TYPO3-ect] Taxonomies / categories II

Jochen Rau j.rau at web.de
Sat Oct 20 16:23:02 CEST 2007

Hi Michael,

> Nice work on the term definitions. Are you able to hover over the term 
> to see its definition and then click on the link to go to that page?
You are able to do so. As you can see in screenshot006.png, there are 
two links: A click on first link "Bank" shows you the list of terms 
(FE-Plugin), the second link "facilisis" is part of the description 
(RTE-field) and can link everywhere.

The tool-tip is pure html/css. The trick is to overlay the term with a 
span-container so the tool-tip stays visible even if you move the mouse 
into it. Unfortunatly it is not cross-browser compatible (does not work 
in Opera) by now (this issue is still on my agenda). Try it with Safari 
or FireFox.

> I'm strongly considering a categories/contagged/tt_news tie-in. It'd be 
> sweet from the ideas I see Mads and you giving me.
Nice to hear. I'm working on a comfortable way to parse the output of 
tt_news an other extensions without loosing the relation between the 
output and the database entries (uids and pids). So I couldn't use the 
hook "contentPostProc-all" as a21glossary does.


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