[TYPO3-ect] A strong team: pear and phpunit

Elmar Hinz elmar07 at googlemail.com
Thu Oct 18 16:07:12 CEST 2007

Hello developers,

Daniel Brüßler has taken up the maintainance of the extension "pear".
Kasper Ligaard has taken up the maintainance of the extension "phpunit".

Both extension work together, so that you can update the latest phpunit libs
using PEAR channels. 

Many thanks to both.

I recommend both extensions. Last week I used pear for example to fetch a
powerfull mail queue from the PEAR repository. I use phpunit to develop the
lib beta branch alias "cool" taking the test driven road. Very good

Robert Lemke has developed the first generation of the phpunit extension
(t3unit). Kasper has improved it by a lot of nice features. The visiual
feedback of the T3 phpunit is similar to JUnit now. Maybe the best phpunit
interface is that of TYPO3 today. You should really make it part of your
own extension development process. 

Be making this two extensions the official ECT supported extensions I think
some other extensions are replaced or obsoleted. 

* bypear
* wi_pear 
* jr_pear_mail
* bb_htmlquickform
* pear_phpunit2 
* t3unit

To give users a better orientation, I suggest to set the status of this
extensions to obsolete and to hint to the official ECT "pear" extension.
Please give feedback (http://bugs.typo3.org), if the "pear" extension
doesn't work as expected for any reasons. 

Please Kasper add "phpunit" to http://bugs.typo3.org.

Thank you


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