[TYPO3-ect] taxonomies / categories in TYPO3

Steffen Kamper steffen at sk-typo3.de
Wed Oct 10 16:02:11 CEST 2007

"Franz Koch" <typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1192022449.19365.typo3-team-extension-coordination at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hi Steffen,
>>> exactly. I did something similar with a rating extension based on 
>>> tt_rating, which itself takes care of the mm-relations to any db-table. 
>>> So I'm able to provide rating functionality to ANY extension by either 
>>> using TS (if the extension allows for custom markers or stdWrap 
>>> somewhere) or with hooks. This is quite nice to use.
>>> --
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Franz
>> btw - which rating ext do you mention?
> it's not in TER - it's a extension I created once based on tt_rating. I 
> intended to make it more flexible and provide a better interface for 
> configuration (different rating-methods or so) - but didn't find the time 
> for it.
> If you wanna have a look: 
> http://projects.elements-net.de/T3X_user_rating-2_0_1-z.t3x
> I'm not sure if I added a little TS help or not - it's been a while (about 
> one years or longer). Probably the code quality isn't the best either, as 
> it was one of my first TYPO3 things.
> Here a example for usage with pure TS-setup copied from one of my older 
> websites:
> -----
> temp.entry_rating >
> temp.entry_rating < plugin.user_rating_pi1
> temp.entry_rating = USER
> temp.entry_rating {
> pid_list = 64
> #allowCaching = 0
> code = RESULT
> rateTable = tx_dam
> rateTableUid.field = entry_uid
> rateTableTitle.field = entry_title
> rateTableDescription.field = user_username
> rateTablePid >
> allowedUsers = fe_users
> allowedUserGroups = 3,5
> rateTableOwnerField = fe_user
> rateTableOwnerCompareField = uid
> renderObj = COA
> renderObj.stdWrap.wrap =  <div class="rateresult">|</div>
> renderObj {
> 10 >
> 10.file = GIFBUILDER
> 10.file {
> XY = [10.w]*{$plugin.user_rating_pi1.tileImg},[10.h]
> backColor = #A3ACBF
> transparentBackground = 1
> 10 = IMAGE
> 10 {
> file.import.cObject = IMG_RESOURCE
> file.import.cObject {
> file = {$plugin.user_rating_pi1.badImgFile}
> file {
> width = 
> {$plugin.user_rating_pi1.ratingOutputWidth}/{$plugin.user_rating_pi1.tileImg}
> width.prioriCalc = 1
> }
> }
> tile = {$plugin.user_rating_pi1.tileImg},1
> }
> }
> 10.stdWrap.wrap = <div class="bgbar" style="background-image:url('|'); 
> width:{$plugin.user_rating_pi1.ratingOutputWidth}px;" 
> title="Durchschnittlich ###RATING### Punkte bei ###VOTES### Bewertungen">
> 20 < .10
> 20.file.10.file.import.cObject.file = 
> {$plugin.user_rating_pi1.goodImgFile}
> 20.stdWrap.wrap = <span class="bar" style="background-image:url('|'); 
> width:###RATING_WIDTH_PERCENT###%;">&nbsp;</span>
> 22 = TEXT
> 22.value = </div>
> 25 = TEXT
> 25.value = <strong class="hidden">Bewertung:</strong> 
> <em>###RATING###</em>
> 30 = TEXT
> 30.value = ###RATING_MSG###
> 30.required = 1
> 30.wrap = <p class="small">|</p>
> }
> noRatingObj >
> noRatingObj = COA
> noRatingObj.10 < .renderObj.10
> noRatingObj.stdWrap < .renderObj.stdWrap
> noRatingObj {
> 10.stdWrap.wrap = <div class="bgbar" style="background-image:url('|'); 
> width:{$plugin.user_rating_pi1.ratingOutputWidth}px;" title="noch keine 
> Bewertung">&nbsp;</div>
> 20 = TEXT
> 20.value = (###VOTES###/{$plugin.user_rating_pi1.minVotes})
> }
> minVotesObj < .noRatingObj
> minVotesObj {
> 10.stdWrap.wrap = <div class="bgbar" style="background-image:url('|'); 
> width:{$plugin.user_rating_pi1.ratingOutputWidth}px;" title="noch nicht 
> ausreichend Bewertungen">&nbsp;</div>
> 20.value = <span 
> class="small">(###VOTES###/{$plugin.user_rating_pi1.minVotes})</span>
> }
> }
> -----
> I also added some more features to it - like restrictions (who is allowed 
> to rate), minimum votes that have to be reached before until a rating is 
> shown or taken in to account (it doesn't make sense to show a rating of 10 
> points if only one has voted) and probably some other stuff I can't 
> remember.
> If I find some time I probably port it to lib/div, make it more flexible 
> (maybe as basic rating/poll extension with extendable models and view) and 
> finish it.
> --
> Kind regards,
> Franz

thx Franz, i will look at it.
The reason is that i want to give a rating option to my page comments and i 
looked to the existing rating exts, but was not lucky with them.
I also want to use 

vg  Steffen 

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