[TYPO3-ect] "package extension" / "extension package"

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Tue Oct 9 15:02:28 CEST 2007

Hi Daniel,

> yes, I want to clarify the naming.
> And also I want to see if the time has come for such packages. It seems
> so that fears of misuse are bigger than looking at the advantages.

for me they would be a really welcome advantage. With some nice new 
features in the EM and in TER this would be a really great thing. But I 
think there should be a restriction of who can create those 
packages/bundles - because else there again will be thousands of 
'modified package with my calender instead of the default one' or 'yet 
another gallery bundle' - you know what I mean. So this should be a ECT 
task to create those packages. Or there should be a group that evaluates 
new submitted packages (like the security team does for security).

It'll be cool if those packages (as far as they are a collection of 
extensions that work together) would contain predefined TS 
configurations and maybe a prepared pagetree subpart.

"You need a forum and some community features? No problem - just install 
the 'Basic community package' from TER, import the pagetree subpart on a 
place you like and you're ready to go". Wouldn't that be cool?

> Ok, let's forget it, I ask again for it in some months.

Why - I don't see a reason to wait. There are always some who have 
doubts. "CD? What the hell is that? Pah, I'll NEVER use that crap - I 
like my tapes."

Just my 3,21 cent ;)

Franz Koch

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