[TYPO3-ect] Spring and Symfony

Elmar Hinz elmar07 at googlemail.com
Tue Oct 9 01:33:52 CEST 2007

> following the DAO-way would go in other direction like the new devlist
> discussions about creating native db classes.
> As ries is developing a t3lib_db for postgressql and oracle and Masi is
> looking for mysqli and stored sql  i think best would be to support them
> instead of doing it a different way.
> Did you read the discussions?
> vg  Steffen


I didn't follow the whole discussion and I am no expert in DAO. But I would
state that DAO aueries can be precompiled, even those that are generated by
a generic DAO Class. I think it doesn't make a difference for the compiler
if the query to compile origines from a static file or has been dynamically
composed as long as it doesn't change with every request.

However asks the experts, I work on the controller part.



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