[TYPO3-ect] "package extension"

Christian Welzel gawain at camlann.de
Sun Oct 7 11:31:14 CEST 2007

Steffen Kamper wrote:

> The user who install lib/div has the possibility to choose the suggested
> as he needs.

No, i dont think so.
The extension should depend on the really used extensions.
The user cannot decide, on which other extensions the currently installed
ext depends on. (Example: User installs "foo" that depends on "lib" and then 
he is asked to choose from the suggestions what he wants to install?)

The only benefit of such package extension i can see is for extension
developers who do not need to install all parts seperately. But their new
exts should not depend on the package ext  but on the really used

 MfG, Christian Welzel

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