[TYPO3-ect] "package extension"

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Sat Oct 6 10:28:06 CEST 2007


> by the way: Do you like the word "package extension" and is it clear
> enough what it means?

I would flip the words -> 'extension package', which is easier to read 
and understand I think. But how do you define a 'extension package'?

Is every extension that has addon extensions a 'extension package'? Or 
are those packages just some optional 'predefined' packages which you 
can choose from, like:
- package: DAM basic
   (includes f.e. DAM with DAM categories)
- package: DAM with reference handling
   (includes f.e. DAM basic, dam_ttcontent, dam_filelinks, dam_pages,...)
- package: ECT coordinated extensions
   (like Elmar already created in TER)
- package: Basic community features
   (includes f.e. hoi_community, chc_forum,...)
- package: Professional community features
   (includes f.e. sr_feuser_register, mm_forum, new_loginbox,...)

Something like that?

> == How ==
> Just the emconf-file is needed with the list of all dependencies,
> nothing else. When an admin installs the package-extension the extension
> -manager gets all sub-parts.

Depending on how you define extension packages (see above), I'm not sure 
if I would like the EM to install *all* addons form the 'package' 
automatically. If packages should work like my examples above, I would 
say yes, they should be installed automatically.
If packages are auto-generated from all available addons, it should 
rather give a note like it currently does with dependencies. In the note 
you select the addons you also like to install, click on proceed and the 
EM does the rest automatically. If there are some config options needed 
for the main extension or some of the addons, these could be displayed 
on one single page at the end of the installation process, maybe 
'splitted' up with tabs for better handling and *one* big finish button 
at the bottom, which processes all the settings.

Btw. the current dependency handling of the EM could also be improved - 
it is quite annoying to first have to download the dependency, switch 
back to the original extension where I've then been told to also install 
the extension. I mean that's obvious that it also has to be installed, 
so the EM should handle this automatically, which means:
If a extension I like to install depends on another extension, then this 
extension has to be downloaded and installed with 1 single click. The 
current approach pretty sucks (sorry for the word, but it suited best) - 
forth and back and forth and back.

Kind regards,

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