[TYPO3-ect] Modules for beta

Daniel Brüßler info at -remove-patchworking.de
Fri Oct 5 10:08:35 CEST 2007


the framework lib/div as one or two extensions, that's also my view.

But all the addons like tx_lib__propel, tx_lib__xslt, ...
really should be *extra* extensions. Would be too hard to manage all the
extra features.

That's no problem when we use a "package"-extension what depends on many
or all addons.

kind regards

Daniel Pötzinger schrieb:
> Hi Elmar
> I would definitly like it more to have all in one extension "lib" and
> organise the classes in subfolders.
>> Hi there,
>> I want to put in some ideas for the beta branch. I think of a separation
>> into modules, at least in the beginning. Certainly there are pro and cons
>> with modules, but I think, it will be easier to get it running as the
>> team
>> based way, if every member is responsible for a defined part of it.
>> Elmar
>> tx_lib
>>   This contains controllers and   tools like link, image, loaders,
>> transformers, translator.
>> tx_lib__pager
>>   Result browser.
>> tx_lib__pop
>>   This modules contains processors to build   a TS configurable
>> Pipeline of Processors.
>> tx_lib__tags
>>   Tag library for views.
>> Different views
>> tx_lib__php
>> tx_lib__smarty
>> tx_lib__pdf
>> tx_lib__exel
>> tx_lib__xslt
>> tx_lib__forms
>> ...
>> Different models
>> tx_lib__tca
>> tx_lib__propel
>> ...

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