[TYPO3-ect] Controller Architecture Problem

Michael Knoll mimi at kaktusteam.de
Wed Oct 3 23:43:28 CEST 2007

Hi list,

after playing around with the functionality of lib/div, I have the 
following problem with the controller class, which I'm not sure how to 
cope with the best way.

I would like to extend the controller to do some login-status-check for 
me, which I want to do with a configuration given in TS.

What I would like to do, is extend the controller class 
(tx_lib_controller) and overwrite the main method, so that it first does 
my status-check and then runs the "standard" controller function. Now my 
problem is the fact, that all the setting up of context (like finding 
out which action to handle, setting up the parameters in the controller 
object and so on) is put in the main function. So for me, there is only 
the possibility to overwrite the whole main function and put my code "in 
the middle" of it.

This is not very beautiful, as every change in the main function of 
tx_lib_controller takes the effect of me changing my function again.

Wouldn't it better to split the main function into two different 
functions, one to set up the context and one to "run the action". With 
this design, one could easily extend the controller class and run 
"post-context-setting" - "pre-action-running" stuff like my login check.

I would suggest a splitting of the functions like the following example:

function main(...) {
	return $this->runAction(...);

So the extended class could have a main function like this:

function main(...) {
	return $this->runAction(...);

There is still some code to be written twice, but not as much as in the 
architecture of the code, as it's implemented at the moment.

The problem will effect any application that needs a context to be set 
but needs some application-specific changes in the controller before the 
action is handled.

Another possibility would be to use a template pattern here, that let's 
you add some hook functions in the initialization of the controller, like:

function main(...) {
	return $this->runAction(...);

/* To be overwritten in extending classes */
function doBeforeContextSetting(...) {
	return true;

/* To be overwritten in extending classes */
function doBeforeRunningAction(...) {
	return true;

with template methods to be overwritten in the extending controller 
classes. But that offers you no possibilty to return from the 
controller's main function depending on what happens in the template 

At the moment I think it's not very elegant to extend the controller and 
get the context-setting-stuff done before you insert your own functionality.

What do you think about?



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