[TYPO3-ect] Best way to access request parameters from model?

Elmar Hinz elmar07 at googlemail.com
Tue Oct 2 15:35:57 CEST 2007


> but I never had complex forms (what are complex forms??).
> About the disadvantages.

Assume something like IRRE in the FE for example.

> will be more or less the same. I don't see how a news controller
> would start interacting with a calendar controller anyways...

Imagine you already have done a file upload form, a guestbook form and a
calendar date form. 

Now the customer want's a news form with 

a) date
b) multiple images
c) text

Wouldn't it be nice, if you simply could compose this with the forms (MVC)
already existing into one big form without rewriting all.

News form composed of:
  Date form
  Repeated image forms (using ajax)
  Guestbook form


In the model you would need additional relations between the existing

> B) it is for me....

Unfortunatly I used B) twice ... which one?

What do you think about D) in my second posting. 



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