[TYPO3-ect] New roadmap lib/div/cool

Elmar Hinz elmar07 at googlemail.com
Tue Nov 20 09:21:32 CET 2007


the last week I need to spend some time into work and research, to get a
vision where to lead the lib/div/cool project and how to get it into a
stable state. I want to give a short overview of the upcoming steps, as far
as I can see it today. I will explain details later.

1.) Bringing lib/div to a final alpha version without adding new features:

    * lib/div is basically defined as a controller, with some assisting
      helper classes (lib_link, lib_image, ...).
    * The option to call "subcontrollers" like the resultbrowsers,
      should stay.
    * The pipe of processors should be stripped and 
      exported to an optional addon extension. 
    * Philip Almeida is interested to support here. 

2.) Migrating lib/div to a PHP5 version with autoloading:

    * That's the part already started, but needs to be finished.
    * This becomes the beta and stable branch of lib/div.

3.) Component TS, probably under the key cool:

    * Make TS easily extendable with real objects, by extensions.
    * Keywords: Object-TypoScript (obts), Tapestry, container, Spring, PAC.

4.) Connecting ends:
    * The final step will be to optionally embed the components into 
      nested XHTML templates. 
    * It will be possible to set the component properties both from 
      TS and from XML.
    * Keywords: Tapestry, Asp.Net, Formidable.

Lib/div/cool will give solutions in the field of the controller and the
view. They don't giv solutions for the model. We need projects in parallel
here. As far as I can see there are two different successfull approaches,
unsing dynamic or statically generated SQL:

A.) Active record: (Steve Ryan?)
    * Ruby on Rails
    * TYPO3 Core Engine (TCE)

B.) ORM: (Michael Knoll?)
    * Propel
    * Torque

There has been talking about projects in this direction for TYPO3 since
years now. I would like to see some people comming up with an official ECT
project here. 





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