[TYPO3-ect] lib div feature request - debug for php5

Philip Almeida philip.almeida at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 17:53:18 CET 2007

Hello Elmar,
I wat to candidate has an assistance on lib extension.

Best regards,


On Nov 16, 2007 9:55 AM, Elmar Hinz <elmar07 at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Johnny Peck wrote:
> > Elmar,
> >
> > By Cool do you mean this will be in THE COOL or is this obvious and in
> > the next release of LIB?
> >
> > On a similar note, you posted recently about a new release x.26 into
> > TER.  Is this coming soon?  In the post it was to be expected within
> > days but it has been some time.  Just curious.  With x.25 I had problems
> > with the CAPTCHA in Bananas during testing and simply went back to
> > previous semi-stable without any more look aside from a simple debug
> > that showed missing functions.  I should have pulled my weight and fixed
> > it but I have so little time at the moment and too much client pressure.
> >
> Hi Johnny,
> guess you refer to Miles Davis here? Indeed, that could give interesting
> associations for a marketing image for the c-o-o-rdintated l-ibrary. But
> the stuff isn't in the public domain yet.
> Client pressure and my efforts to get cool basically running didn't leave me
> the time to work on lib/div. The more important it is to bring it to a
> final release and to hand it over to a team of maintainers.
> I feel that I have to focus on cool the next weeks. The more time I spend
> into research, the more I see the need to modulate the original vision. I
> compared the access of the TypoScript tree with component based approaches
> like apache tapestry or ASP.net and the dependency injection approach of
> spring. There is a kind of concurrency between component based X(HT)ML
> templates and the TS tree, that can only be solved in the range of T3v5.
> Yet it would be nice to find some compromise and synthesis, to gain the
> power of components for extension development within T3v4.
> So my current target discription is this:
> lib/div: The final version of lib/div should be defined primarly as a
> controller, that people can work with in a very free way. The Pipline of
> Processors didn't get that much positive feedback. So I think we should
> strip it from lib/div and make it an optional addon. I ask for three people
> to volunteer for maintenance of lib/div, by this, a main maintainer an to
> assistants.
> cool: It would like to define something similar to tapestry for T3v4. It
> specifies a framework for reusable third party components, that can be
> contributed as addon extensions. http://tapestry.apache.org/.
> Neither cool nor lib/div wants to give any advice how you implement the
> model. That is a completly independent field. It's time that some poeple
> take it up to bring usable results for us.
> Regards
> Elmar
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Philip de Oliveira de Almeida

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