[TYPO3-ect] Status of the party extension?

Martin Schoenbeck ms.usenet.nospam at schoenbeck.de
Thu Nov 15 16:19:25 CET 2007

Hi David,

David Bruehlmeier schrieb:

> There is already a roadmap for every component in place. I tried to 
> split up everything in parts to enable cooperative development. Any 
> interested dev could commit for a component s/he is interested in. If 
> taking over responsibility for a whole component is too much, I even 
> split up the components in work packages, e.g.
> http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/Tx_party#Work_Packages
> Sadly, even this structuring and roadmapping has resulted in no 
> participation at all.

I want to change this now. I used the partner-extension to create a sort of
prototype. But I had to change the pdf-export functionality to get a logo
and picture and the data of the organisation. Because I also need some of
the information, included in the party-extension but not in the
partner-extension, I think, it'ld be a good idea, to put further efforts
into the pdf/csv etc. module of the party extension.

So I'm willing to do this. I also would prefer, to be able to eventually
correct flaws within the party-extension itself, if I find some.

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