[TYPO3-ect] lib div feature request - debug for php5

Johnny Peck johnny at slipcasemedia.com
Thu Nov 15 10:32:19 CET 2007


	By Cool do you mean this will be in THE COOL or is this obvious and in 
the next release of LIB?

	On a similar note, you posted recently about a new release x.26 into 
TER.  Is this coming soon?  In the post it was to be expected within 
days but it has been some time.  Just curious.  With x.25 I had problems 
with the CAPTCHA in Bananas during testing and simply went back to 
previous semi-stable without any more look aside from a simple debug 
that showed missing functions.  I should have pulled my weight and fixed 
it but I have so little time at the moment and too much client pressure.



Elmar Hinz wrote:
> Steve Ryan wrote:
>> Hi Elmar,
>>   any chance to include the following function in tx_lib_object. Since
>> php5, using debug on an array containing a tx_lib_object subclass causes
>> and exception because it cannot be converted to string.
> function __toString() {
>   ob_start();
>   $this->dump();
>   return ob_get_clean();
>  }
> Cool
> Elmar

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