[TYPO3-ect] new design for js-extensions?

Steffen Kamper steffen at sk-typo3.de
Mon Nov 5 12:23:38 CET 2007

"Joerg Schoppet" <joerg at schoppet.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1194260524.11546.typo3-team-extension-coordination at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hi,
> actually I'm in progress of redefining the js-extensions, which are
> under my responsibility:
> - extjs
> - jquery
> - script.aculo.us
> In the future releases I want to add the possibility to decide, which
> version of the respective library should be used.
> A great inspiration was the extension nano_jquery by Bjoern Ellebrecht.
> So here is my question:
> Should the future extension be only configurable over a static-template,
> like the one in nano_jquery?
> Should the future extension be only configurable over programming, like
> actual?
> Hope to see some answers! ;-)
> Regards
> Joerg Schoppet

Hi Joerg,

as you know i also think about a common solution, also for integrating JS in 
page for general.

I think it's not very useful if the extension provide the library, as the 
author of the extension is responsible for all the updates.
An idea would be:
One folder containing the libs
 - jquery
 - mootools
 - extjs
and the extension handles the interface for the lib, makes the includes and 
the settings in an easy way.
So the user can update the lib by himself if any update is available and is 
independent from the extension.

In general i think about a general core patch about including JS, handling 
includeJS and headerData, maybe JS should be included all the time with 
includeJS so there is the possibility to integrate it at bottom of document 

vg  Steffen 

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