[TYPO3-ect] kickstarter__mvc

Christian Welzel gawain at camlann.de
Wed Mar 21 10:51:04 CET 2007

Christian Welzel wrote:

> Today i found some time to fix the issues that were decribed
> here with the kickstarter__mvc. The current version is in svn
> now.

Another update: i moved the generation of the actual plugin code to
external classes, so the wizard class isnt such big as before. Other
benefit: the code generation can be changed. Therefore i added an select
box to the wizard. 
But note: althought there is an option "Method per action in controller"
this renderer is currently the same as the "Class per Action"-Renderer.
So do not wonder, that there are no changes in the generated code.

 MfG, Christian Welzel

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