[TYPO3-ect] kickstarter__mvc issues

Andreas Otto andreas.otto at dkd.de
Mon Mar 12 18:18:45 CET 2007

Hello Elmar,

Elmar HInz wrote:
> A workflow, that is defined by what people are not allowed to do, by it's
> nature slows down productivity, as this example shows. All voluntary
> developers have a limited amount of time for presence and communication.

Since we are using SVN on TYPO3xdev things are easier in terms of code
access. Back in the days when we were using CVS we had ACLs where write
access was handled in a very strict way. However, we had to use ACLs in the
beginning to establish trust since SCM was something new for some
developers. Others feared that their code could be destroyed by someone
just changing things as they see fit.

> Maybe the workfow definition could be a little opimized to better support
> collaboration under the practical circumstances of voluntary extension
> development, to prevent the splitting of the TER into thousands of
> isolated projects.

I don't know if the workflow definition should be optimized in a way that we
end up with a totaly relaxed view on "who can do what".
But we can talk about topics like this one during T3DD07.

Will you be there?


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