[TYPO3-ect] Your experiences with Smarty

Steffen Kamper steffen at dislabs.de
Fri Mar 9 13:07:54 CET 2007

"Ernesto Baschny [cron IT]" <ernst at cron-it.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1173429315.25504.typo3-team-extension-coordination at lists.netfielders.de...
> Steffen Kamper wrote: on 08.03.2007 17:50:
>>>>> That sounds cool. One feature I would love to see in one "official 
>>>>> ECT"
>>>>> approach with Smarty would be a way for a developer to ship default
>>>>> Smarty templates, but the smarty class flexible to load templates from 
>>>>> a
>>>>> custom path on demand. So I would configure:
>>>>> (...)
>>>> with rpt_smarty this is no problem, because you can change templatePath
>>>> with one line:
>>>> $this->smartyconf = array (
>>>>    'path.' => array (
>>>>     'template_dir' => $this->templatePath,
>>>>   ), 'config.' => array (
>>>>    'caching' => 0,
>>>>    'debugging' => 0
>>>>   ));
>>>> These options will be implemented in smartyView as well to show the 
>>>> users
>>>> how to configure and set options to smarty.
>>> But that's the PHP part. I think Ernesto wants a standardized TS config
>>> for changing the template path.
>>> Masi
>> that is no Problem, settings are made e.g. by
>> templatePath = EXT:myext/templates
>> All settings should be available with TS. Wait for next update ;-)
> Please re-read my post. I don't want to change the only one
> templatePath, I want to be able to have a SEARCH-path of templates. This
> way I can keep using the extension developers templates but be able to
> overwrite them with some specific templates I have. Another way of
> setting this would be:
>  templatePath = fileadmin/myext-templates,EXT:myext/templates
> So that smarty should search first in fileadmin/myext-templates and THEN
> in EXT:myext/templates. This would be the same I have suggested, but a
> bit more flexible, as we can have even larger templatePaths... Then just
> pass templatePath through stdWrap and we have a VERY powerful
> templatePath choosing mechanism. :)
> And speaking of Smarty settings, it would be cool to be able to set any
> Smarty setting for a specific plugin through TypoScript:
> plugin.tx_myplugin.smarty.debugging = 1
> etc.
> Cheers,
> Ernesto

Hi Ernesto,

I understood your request. Maybe my answers were not accurate enough, my 
english is not the best one ...

All will be available from Typoscript:
- smartyConf
- templatePath
- templateFile

so don't worry ;-)

vg  Steffen 

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