[TYPO3-ect] 4.1.0: Request parameters could not be validated

Elmar HInz elmar.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Wed Mar 7 13:44:53 CET 2007

> If you got an error setting this to 1, then something is wrong in the
> links your are generating. You are probably making some links without a
> cHash but with pi-parameters.

Right. The reason is, that we always set reqCHash() regardless if we send
a cHash or not. That works fine with a setting of 0 and we can freely
switch between USER or USER int as we like. 

That is very comfortable, but only works for a setting of 0. If we have a
USER_INT and send no cHash with the setting of 0 we fall back to the
cached default page and USER_INT still keep working. USER_INT runs 
after loading the page from cache. 

That is exactly the behaviour that we want for USER_INT. So I wouldn't say
that we use it in the wrong way. But we use a little gap to simplify the
usage in the world of TYPO3 settings that are more complicated than

If this gap would be claused, we would immediatly need automtic detection
of USER/USER_INT to set reqCHash() in dependency of the result. See my
last posting.



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