[TYPO3-ect] MVC and image rendering...

R. van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Sun Mar 4 02:32:16 CET 2007

Elmar HInz wrote:
> Am Sat, 03 Mar 2007 17:46:14 -0500 schrieb R. van Twisk:
>> hey Guys,
>> since I am not to the whole MVC thing I have a question.
>> It's about image rendering... Now I could render the image in my model,
>> where I go over my array anyways....
>> But actually it should be done in my view, right?
>> If so, does it mean I need to pick up teh array from
>> my view again in some function and render images.
>> Or is it fine if I render images in my model?
>> I am trying to find a efficient solution.... On the other hand teh array 
>> is small
>> and will stay below 18 images orso..
>> Ries
> Hi Ries,
> there is never the one and only solution. For images one can discuss if
> the rendering belongs into the model or the view. It also depends on what
> you mean by "rendering".
> I assume the data about the image list results from a DB query. That query
> belongs into the model. I would load the resulting list of data into a
> tx_lib_object as data transporter. In the view I would generate the images
> probably by using tx_lib_image (or an inherited class of it). Typically 
> you iterate over the transport container with a rewind-valid-next loop.
> Regards
> Elmar
Hey Elmar,

what I currently do is assign the data to the view,
and then call a function in the view to render the images.

I strongly feel that rendering is up to the view, not to the model.
The raw image comes from the model, and the view needs to generate
it at appropriate size for viewing.

I tried to follow  eFAQ on how to assign data. But the problem is that
rows are stored as a object, and even the array is stored as a object.
That was something that smarty didn't like to much (and I didn't had
time to figure out, since I think smarty can handle that well...)

Currently tx_lib_image is of not much use since I really like to have
image configuration in TS like this:

        image = IMAGE
        image.file.maxW = 120
        image.file.maxH = 120
        image.file.import.field = tmpfile

By doing it that way image rendering get's extremely simple
and I have full GIFBUILDER options available. Using tx_lib_image
I have to copy values from TS config and call functions to tx_lib_image
which will take up to much of my precious resources, and takes
all my flexibility away.

Currently it feels like that tx_lib_object and phpview are a married couple.
and that tx_lib_object and smarty are like water and fire....
May be it's the whole SPL thing I don't like, I am not sure yet but it 
like a wrapper around PHP's variables. Properly it's just me, but 
currently I
see it as a resource hook...

What I normally do is get a dataset from a DB and store it in a 
associate array.
Then I pass that dataset directly to smarty (often as a reference) and I let
smarty render the whole thing.

When I need to do modifications on that array I would do it in the model,
and then return the dataset. Buttom line is that when it comes out of my 
It's raw data, native variables and fast to render by smarty.

Above is just what I currently experience, I might not have seen the 
light yet!!!

All other parts I like a lot so far (the whole MVC thing) it's just data 
I don't like much yet.


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