[TYPO3-ect] ajax and class per controller model

Steffen Kamper steffen at sk-typo3.de
Fri Jun 29 11:13:50 CEST 2007

"Elmar Hinz" <elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1183107278.24700.typo3-team-extension-coordination at lists.netfielders.de...
>> add: xajax without JS also doesn't work -
> Wrong. xajax works on the server side. If JS is off, you would get a good
> old HTML select.

hmm - xajax uses also js in links, look this example: 
it dosn't work without JS.

vg  Steffen

> And without programming it twice. That's the important point. With 
> prototype
> you would need to do double programming, serverside and clientside, if you
> are a serious agency.
> If you think of validations they always differ a little, if you program 
> them
> twice in this way. A typical source of errors, as we have observed them in
> the T3 backend. That problem isn't possible with an server side running
> ajax library like xajax.
>> there is no ajax without JS
> That's right.
> Conclusion. Your initial statement is wrong. There is need for xajax or an
> equivalent server side library. Prototype is more of an additional toy.
> Elmar

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