[TYPO3-ect] ajax and class per controller model

Christian Welzel gawain at camlann.de
Thu Jun 28 19:54:21 CEST 2007

Elmar Hinz wrote:

> The xajax setup from efaq currently looks like this:

I know that one, and i adopted it for the kickstarter already.

> I use an own controller for xajax here. If I understand you right, you
> want to reuse the regular controllers instead?

Yes, i do not want to generate two controller that do probably the same
only to be able to call one through ajax.

> a) You could work with different types:

I want to avoid this, as this would only blow the number of types in typo3.
There is no need to have 5+ new page types only to be able to call 5 ajax

> b) You could work with one type, one additional parameter (controller) and
> a TS CASE object:

That is a fine idea!
I will try to use this one. 
Damn, i didnt think of this one myself :)

> but I didn't try how it would work with Eid (right name?).

Its called eID.
The concept itself looks promising as it doesnt require the load of the 
whole typo3 framework. But as lib/div rely to typoscript as configuration
i do not know if we gain so much as we need to parse the ts on our own.
Anyone here who already used that eID stuff?

 MfG, Christian Welzel

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