[TYPO3-ect] Global categories have already been implemented! We just need to use them!

David Toshack david at vaultin.com
Fri Jun 8 09:14:47 CEST 2007

Hi All,

I would like to help get the ball rolling on the use and refinement of
global categories implemented by the trees[1] extension that ECT
fearless leader; Elmar Hinz has developed with the influences of all the
other TYPO3 categorisation implementations out there.

It is very close to completion but could really do with the injection of
some support from developers of frontend categorisation implementations
such as the tt_news categories and commerce/graytree categories. Mainly
with some frontend extension implementations, but a good start might be
a proof of concept addition to Elmar's articles[2] extension based on
the new TYPO3 MVC Framework lib/div.

The articles extension could grow to become an abstract data structure
for both tt_news _and_ commerce functionality since products have
embedded articles. But that is another issue all together. Nevertheless
it is a great extension to target for integrating the global category

This is not a new concept, but since global categorisation has been
struck up by Elmar a number of times[3][4] and just recently by Francois
on the dev list[5], I thought it would be a good time to coordinate some

I would like to invite anybody with an interest in categorisation to
help get the ball rolling on the ect list[6].

I apologise for cross posting but this effects all cross posted
newsgroups directly.

Elmar I realize you don't have time to work on this right now, but would
appreciate some guidance on what you see as the next steps that I could
follow through with.

Would you suggest tx_articles categories as a good next step? If so,
where would I start? Or do you already have a frontend plugin using
this? The closest example of an implementation I could find was the
baeckend module of the trees extension: treesDemoModule.


[1] http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/trees/0.0.9/
[2] http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/articles/0.2.7/
[5] http://lists.netfielders.de/pipermail/typo3-dev/2007-June/023829.html
[6] http://lists.netfielders.de/pipermail/typo3-team-extension-coordination/

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