[TYPO3-ect] translations with lib/div

Steffen Kamper steffen at sk-typo3.de
Mon Jul 30 22:18:08 CEST 2007

"Elmar Hinz" <elmar07 at googlemail.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1185818726.19691.typo3-team-extension-coordination at lists.netfielders.de...
>> So what does the difference ?
>> plugin.tx_bananas.configurations holds the "global" configuration.,
>> plugin.tx_bananas.controllers are the both plugins.
>> I never saw such a "write-protected" TS-Section, does i come from Mars ?
>> vg  Steffen
> The piint is, that "plugin.tx_bananas.configurations" doesn't hold 
> "global"
> configurations. It only holds *temporary* common configurations, that are
> *copied* later in a certain line of the setup.txt file to both plugins
> *before* the plugins are instantiated. That's why they are available for
> both and "feel" global. In fact it's 2 times the same "real" configuration
> in two different plugins now.
> If you add new stuff *after* that "line of copy" to the so called "common"
> configuration it has no effect any more. If you
> alter "plugin.tx_bananas.configurations" in your template you do it
> *after* "line of copy".
> You CAN do that, but you MUST repeat the procedure of copiing and
> instantiating too for both plugins, to overrule the original "line of
> copy".
> Alternatively you directly work on the two different plugins.
> I hope that is precise enough and leads you to enlightenment.
> A real "common global" setup would require an object to reference, so that
> it can be altered in any line of the setup, even in the very last.
> Regards
> Elmar

ok, i got it.
Anyway defining a global setup only for copy might misleading by searching 
for configuration in ObjectBrowser.
This could prevent by using a tempObject for copy.
In Bananas also the naming plugin.tx_bananas.configurations is misleading 
for configuration, but this is only maculation (but it costs me lot of time)

So back to topic: what would you prefer, a method like
$translator->_LOCAL_LANG =$this->configurations->get('_LOCAL_LANG.');

or do you see a possibility to access it direct from translatorclass?

vg  Steffen

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