[TYPO3-ect] Proof of Concept/Sample app.

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Sat Jan 27 21:33:25 CET 2007

Am Sat, 27 Jan 2007 20:51:14 +0100 schrieb Nikolas Hagelstein:

> Hi,
> wouldnt it be reasonable to draft a sample case/app to proof whether the current concept
> makes the grade or not? I got one arround which i used on a framework research.
> It covers the most common webapplication needs. 
> Interessted?
> Bye,
> Nikolas

Hi Nikolas,

to suggest a little but useful practicle example: 

A multicoloring searchword highlither

to replace/extend the searchword hightigther of eFAQ

That would match your two concerns:

a) Finding a way to hook into the controller
b) Extending the view

c) Additionally it could demonstrate the addon pattern 
   i.e. "efaq__multicolorhighlithter" or shorter "efaq__msh" 

I think tx_lib_object would be the appropriate place to set general hooks.

Different possible solutions:

a) Classical Typo3 service for the highlighter
b) before, after, replace hooks -- maybe 3 instances of a) 
c) Using PEC
d) Writing a TS configurable controller



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