[TYPO3-ect] TODO

Nikolas Hagelstein hagelstein at shr.cc
Fri Jan 26 17:52:03 CET 2007


>the current implementation of lib/div works like this:

>* You can overwrite each action function by registering additional
>controllers for a controller. Pattern of an Extendable Controller, PEC
ok, same could be done with the approached described at the wiki (using __call as 
an wrapper). But beside a complete overwritte i would like to see something like 
processBefore and processAfter. 

>The hooks of your suggestion have a fix position. PEC gives the
>freedom to redifine the whole processing chain, not only to hook in
>filters, but also to exchange whole components of the chain.
Partly true ;)

>The disadvantage of PEC is that only one of the extending actions can
>"win" the job. 
Yes right due to its overwritte character. That is why we should think about
a before after stack.


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