[TYPO3-ect] TODO

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Thu Jan 25 18:31:26 CET 2007


with this posting I want to start a TODO list as a permanent institution
of ECT. I serves as point of orientation what we are currently doing
and where help would be needed. Feel free to add new points or to remove
points that are done. To extend the list just COPY and PASTE it into the

public relations

 * contacting Robert for a teams page on typo3.org (Steffen Kamper)
 * first content (Steffen Kamper)
 * technical setup of draftpage and homepage (Daniel Brüßler)
 * maintaining a newsfeed 
 * maintaining news for T3N


 * xajax 0.5 (Joerg Schoppet)
 * xajax features for TYPO3 (Joerg Schoppet)

party framework

extension comparison

calendar base (also see typo3.projects.calendar)

 * lib/div implementation (Elmar Hinz)

common category framework

 * further development (Elmar Hinz)

required features from the core
 * attributes on M:N relations
 * central PEAR directory within TYPO3 installation


 * bringing it to beta (Elmar Hinz)
 * finishing the docs (Elmar Hinz)
 * bananas - beginners example (Elmar Hinz)
 * kickstarter addon (Christian Welzel)
 * backend research (Joerg Schoppet)
 * smarty as template engine (Seffen Kamper)
 * cakePHP research (Nicholas Hagelstein)
 * result browser class 
 * easy table class
 * dynamic flexform research
 * flexform hook for addons
 * HTML_QuickForm research
 * propel research  
 * caching objects

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