[TYPO3-ect] lib/div FlexForms

Fernando A. fernando.arconada at saicar.es
Tue Jan 23 13:54:20 CET 2007

One more question using flexforms:

in a traditional extension I used to write 
	// *********FlexForm***************
        // Init flexform configuration of the plugin
        // Store flexform informations
        $this->piFlexForm = $this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'];
        // Set final configuration (TS or FF)

But now in MVC cause it doesnt inherit the tslib_pibase those variable
and methods dont exist. It will be great to integrate Flexforms config
int $this->configurations
Any Idea to solve it

May my questions are very naive but I m beggining in Typo developping
and your MVC


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