[TYPO3-ect] tx_party: Let's get started!

Daniel Brüßler info at -remove-patchworking.de
Mon Jan 15 22:12:46 CET 2007

Hello David,

all right, could you put a simple jpg on your page so that I can see it?


It seems so that there is a prob with the JS-library or AJAX. With this
link I can see the diagramm _a short time_, then it switches to

My browser is:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070102
Ubuntu/dapper-security Firefox/

I never had any AJAX-problems (or any problems with prototype, jQuery or
something) until now with Ubuntu Dapper Drake and the 1.5-branch of
Firefox. So what JS-framework are you using??

kind regards
Daniel Brüßler

> Strange... actually, it's neither Flash nor SVG, just plain HTML and
> Java-Script. What browser are you using? Does this link work?
> http://www.bruehlmeier.com/tx_party/uml/EARoot/EA2/EA9.htm
> CU, Dave

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